Organized and space saving packing

My husband and I will be traveling for the first time with our son Leo. I want to make sure our first plane ride with a 6 month old baby isn't going to unorganized and chaotic. 

To make traveling easier I have done two things:
  1.  I have been making lists of things we need to travel with and things we can buy once we get to our destination. This running list makes it easy to check off what we are bringing and what to bring back when we end our vacation. 
  2.  I also wanted to figure out how to keep Leo's clothes and accessories organized in our suitcases. We are going to be traveling with only 2 suitcases, we don't want to carry 3 suitcases and pay for 3 suitcases. 

  Leo's clothes are small so I picked up cloth storage bins to pack his clothes in. I went to Ikea and got Svira storage bins for $4.99 each.

I was able to roll his clothes up into the bin. This will make it easy to take the lid off the bin at our destination and have his clothes together in one place.

The Svira bin fits in our suitcase. We have one bin next to my husbands clothes in one suitcase and mine in the other. 

 We have enough space to bring Leo's fold up bath for bath time on vacation. 


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